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American college of Musicians

American college of Musicians member

Teacher:Ms. Ye



American College of Musicians / National Guild of Piano Teachers are the largest nonprofit organization of piano teachers and students in the world.

American college of Musicians

Music Teachers National Association

Teacher: Ms.Ye


MTNA Professional Certification Program and the MTNA Foundation Fund. The Professional Certification Program exists to improve the level of professionalism within the field of applied music teaching and helps the public readily identify competent music teachers in their communities.

American college of Musicians

ACM Piano Audition Certificate

Preparatory level


This is the certificate of one of our students who passed prepartory level 2008.

American college of Musicians

Pennsylvania Governor Rendell's Greeting Letter


The greeting and best wishes from Pennsylvania Governor Rendell for the Flora Wu Music school's contribution to the aisan culture exchange on Asian American Affairs

American college of Musicians

ACM Piano Audition Certificate

Intermediate level


Yearly auditions are held in over 863 US cities and 17 foreign countries. Students are adjudicated by an international panel of judges and receive report cards, certificates, and fraternity pins. There are three levels: elementary, intermedia, prepartory.

American college of Musicians

ACM Piano Audition Certificate

Preparatory level


This is the certificate of one of our students who passed prepartory level 2011.

American college of Musicians

ACM Piano Audition Certificate

Intermediate level


This is the certificate of one of our students who passed Intermediate level 2012.

 Grand Prize of Rising Talents Festival

Grand Prize of Rising Talents Festival

Grand Prize


Nicole Tang performed on the winner recital at Kaufman Center, New York City in May 2014.


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